så funkar marknaden
börjar tycka att själva oljan inte är det äckligaste, utan snarare hur BP med god hjälp av federala myndigheter, stänger ner alla former av oberoende granskning i form av besök, filmning etc. av USA´s södra kustlinje.
så jävla äckligt.
...I tell her I don't understand why I can't see Elmer's Island unless I'm escorted by BP. She tells me BP's in charge becauseBP, Coast Guard Officers Block Journalists From Filming Oil-Covered Beach
":it's BP's oil."
"But it's not BP's land."
"But BP's liable if anything happens."......
Chaisson says he's half-Indian and grew up here and just wants to protect the land. When I tell him BP says the inland side of the island is still clean, he spits, "They're fucking liars. There's oil over there. It's already all up through the pass." The spill workers staying at my motel later tell me they've been specifically instructed by BP not to talk to any media, but they're pissed because BP tried to tell them that the crude they were swimming around in to move an oil containment boom was red tide, dishwashing-liquid runoff, or mud.
When CBS tried to film a beach with heavy oil on the shore in South Pass, Louisiana, a boat of BP contractors, and two Coast Guard officers, told them to turn around, or be arrested.
"This is BP's rules, it's not ours," someone aboard the boat said. Coast Guard officials told CBS that they're looking into it.

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